Recent Publications


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The Use of Social Media for Internal Communication
door Mark Verheyden

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Atrial Fibrillation Ablation by means of Second Generation Cryoballoon Ablation
door Hugo-Enrique Coutiño

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Atrial Fibrillation Treatment in the Last Two Decades: Moving from Electrical Cardioversion to Cryoballoon Ablation
door Serge Boveda

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Maximizing Safety & Predictability In Lymphedema Surgery: Past, Present & Future Perspectives
door Assaf Zeltzer

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Development of a Supervised-autonomous Behavior Control System for Social Robots in Therapies
door Hoang-Long Cao

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Sexuality and Intimacy during Terminal Illness: a Qualitative Multi-method study of the experiences of Patients and Partners, and the Role of Palliative Care Nurses
door Charlotte Benoot

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Improving Predictions in Manpower Planning through Classification and Accounting for Voluntary Turnover
door Evy Rombaut

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Euthanasia Practice in Belgium
door Sigrid Dierickx

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Respiratory sampling, respiratory intolerability and pain in patients with cystic fibrosis
door Hanneke Eyns

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Cryoballoon Ablation
door Valentina De Regibus

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Early Steps of Human Embryo Implantation Mimicked in a Dish
door Asma Aberkane

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Quality Control of Traditional Herbal Medicines
door Johan Viaene

Owl Press